mechanism of autophagy for beginners

mechanism of autophagy for beginners

Follow Autophagy and home cooked vegetarian food to stay healthy and fit forever because health is wealth and wealth can only be enjoyed by healthy people


Let us understand “mechanism of autophagy for beginners”

with NOBEL prize (Social Cause) winning research

2016 by a Belgian bio chemist Yoshinori Ohsumi

for the discoveries in the field of medicine.

On 3rd october 2016 Yoshinori Ohsumi awarded with the Nobel Prize.


mechanism of autophagy for beginners

mechanism of autophagy for beginners


This research “mechanism of autophagy for beginners” by Yoshinori Ohsumi was called AUTOPHAGY or autofiji as pronounced commonly.


Now let try to understand “mechanism of autophagy for beginners” with The word Autophagy.

which was derived from Greek Language where Auto means self and phagy means eating

so the combination becomes self eating.


Now let us undersatnd “mechanism of autophagy for beginners”

Concept of autophagy :

RESEARCH : It should be noted that God has given some magical powers to human beings,

Our body is very intelligent and it has the capacity to repair every tissue and cells of our body,

and eat all the blockages, toxins, cancers, tumours, ulcers, fat, sugar, bad cholestrol etc.

And stay away from all minor and major diseases forever naturally and reverse every disease with zero side effects.


Infact these inflamations, blockages, toxins, cholestrol etc. are the main reasons for all the infectious(influenza) and lifestyle diseases.


now the question may arise If our body has this much capacity, then who is stopping our

intelligent body to repair itself?

The answer to this question is ourself (we are the one stopping this mechanism)

Now again one more question may arise is that how we are stopping this mechanism to occur ?

The answer to this question is here in this article please read it carefully to

understand this body science concept, based on the nobel prize winning research 2016

please read this article word to word to understand, how to awaken our body to

utilize its magical capacity to reverse all the diseases and stay healthy forever naturally.

I hope understanding this article properly will completely change your life and prove

to be the best decision to completely transform your existing lifestyle and health condition.

if you have any questions or doubts please ask me through joining whatsapp chat

link given at or

or through comments section on youtube, facebook etc.

Please share this artcle with your friends and family as this article can improves some

one’s health or save some one’s life.


ABOUT THE RESEARCH: In around 1974 Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi saw a cell through an

electron microscope, he realized that the cell has complete

recycling compound in it, and this compound has lisosomal membrane in it

and this lysosomal membrane has 50 different digestive enzymes in it. He was

shocked to see that these digestive enzymes

has the capacity to eat almost everything and recycle it to make it a new cell.

It should be noted that every undigested food that may be lying in our body from

many months in the form of toxins, stones, fats or acids (gastric acid, uric acid or gout)

can be easily eaten by this AUTOPHAGY mechanism


This mechanism has the ability to melt your fat life wax.

almost 99% of diseases can be caused by toxins(`bacteria, viruses and dead cells)

and blockages or acids, and this mechanism has the capacity to clear all these toxins and blockages.

On the other hand AOTOPHAGY has the capaity to eat that unwanted cells that are mutating in an

uncontrolled manner by our body which are called CANCER cells.


Every disease that can be untreatable by our modern medical system or

our current medical system is researching on some diseases can be

reversed easily with AUTOPHAGY mechanism. These diseases may include HIV, CANCER etc.


Fortunate thing for human being is that GOD has gifted our selves that

chemical in our body at the time of our births that can completely cure any disease

at any time without any external medicine.


Autophagy is a mechanism works on the principle of Intermittent

Fasting, which means eating for only 8 hours in a day and rest 16 hours

should be fasting with only water to reverse major diseases like cancer,

diabetes, heart problems etc.


Question : how to start practicing AUTOPHAGY? or mechanism of autophagy for beginners ?

It should be noted : The time of fasting is directly proportional to your fitness and energy levels.

start from 12 hours of fasting every night from 8 PM to 8 AM

gradually increase the time of fasting from 12 to 16 hours from 6 PM to 10 AM

it gradually increases your fitness and energy levels day by day.


In this way autophagy mechanism eats or recovers all the dead cells, ulcers or

tumours on daily basis and flushes out all the toxins and unwanted waste

products and give rise to self healing of body parts including kidney, liver,

heart etc and relieving from body aches and cancerous tumours, diabetes, diaria etc. and make

human body fit forever and moreover take full benefit of the food eaten and digested

properly and additionally boosts Immunity to a much higher

extent that it can handle any viral influenza and lifestyle diseases.


Our body has everything in itself, just we need to understand our self (Body science).

Now we have understood “How to activate auto healing?

in addition to “how to eat food to get full benefits?”


Now again the question may arise on how to practice

Autophagy or intermittent fasting in this

modern age of food abundant world?


how to control our senses and have patience?


Ask yourself

The answer to this question is within you, you can ask yourself whether you

wish to eat medicines (for viral or lifestyle diseases) or stay healthy and fit forever without even a single medicine.

In my opinion you can follow a step by step procedure to control senses and practice Autophagy regularly.


There are two different ways or methods to start AUTOPHAGY in general for beginners

Firstly : pick any 2 days of your choice each week of complete fasting with only water

or if you feel hungry or can not control hunger,

then additionally eat raw vegetables and fruits only.

if in spite of you can not handle hunger (can be valid for some people)

you can start with 1 day fasting instead of 2 days a week.

Secondly : 16 hours fasting daily (atleast 6 days a week) at night from 6 PM to 10 AM

or you can start from 10 hours daily and gradually increase fasting time to 16 hours as early as possible.

In my opinion secondly option is easier than firstly.

Note : you can follow both of the above mentioned procedures at the same time at advanced level

because the more you keep away from eatables,

the more healthy, active and cleanse you will be from your inner self(body + mind)

In my opinion you must give it a try believe me you will feel energetic.


try it for 1 month and see the results and follow intermittent fasting for remaining life.

furthermore slowly and steadily you will over come to control senses and increase patience


you can also cheat once in a week as per your wish or as per your diseases or fitness levels or patience levels.

although it is not recommended as per research.

in addition : you may feel hungry or lite or lazy in the beginning but after you will be habitual

to this disease free lifestyle you will feel lucky.. and search for me to thank.


God and nature has provided everything to stay fit just

we need to know and understand the exact science behind which we call body science.

in addition

Here we have used the single constituent of Nature which is

“Time as medicine” to stay fit forever and understood

mechanism of autophagy for beginners


In the upcoming content we will try to discuss other constituents of

nature like air, water etc. and how to use them for ourself stay healthy and fit forever


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